
Religion A unified system of beliefs and practices regarding sacred things that unites it's adherents into a single moral community. Elements of Religion 1-Sacredness ,which transcends the everyday life. 2-Set of beliefs 3-Rituals to affirm those beliefs 4-Organisation of believers who share the same belief. Functions of Religion 1-It is one of the cultural universals- globally common patterns and traits- 2-It is an integrative force that has the primary function to preserve and solidify society.It strengthens the collective unity or social solidarity of a group.Sharing same religion increases cohension and fraternity building moral order that leads to creation of a moral community. 3-Religious beliefs can influence the conduct of those who believe in them.It keeps people in line through folkways and mores.It provides a foundation for mores of society. 4-Religion helps in performing ceremonies and rituals related to rites of passage( birth ,marriage ,death and ot...