Our Preferences behind the facade of Objectivity

Our Preferences behind the facade of Objectivity When progressives,socialists and left-wing political parties were critical of undemocratic forces for their intervention in Politics, the proponents of PTI painted it anti-state. When there was a raucous debate about the extension of COAS in the country. The supporters of PTI obfuscated the whole scenario saying "mulk kay azeem tar mafad mein extension deni chahae " When people would voice the forced , unlawful Balouch disappearances and demanded their judicial trial.PTI friends would assume " begair reason kay nahi uthatay " When folks would stand for freedom of press and media, lambasting the abduction of journalists like Mati ul Jan. The tigers of PTI observed grave silence. When socialists throughout the country raised slogans to bolster student unions and demanded freedom.PTI friends would mock at them saying" kis say azaadi chahae "And then PTI popped up with Azaadi March" When PTI marches...