"Corona and it's Global Implications"

Corona virus is spherical in shape with a crown or corona. This virus reproduce like other viruses once it finds host. It is also called Corona Virus Infectious Disease 19 (COVID-19).It is the sixth novel virus existed in the world. Other five viruses of the same family includes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-COV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-COV).It is zoonotic i.e an infection or disease that is easily transmissible from animals to humans under natural settings. It is identified for the first time on 31 December,2019 in Wuhan ,the capital of China's Huabei province and spread ed like wildfire globally as a pandemic ,2.8 million cases have been reported in 185 countries causing 201,000 deaths worldwide so far.

The unprecedented pandemic  has caused uncharted and evolving crisis ,hit world economy worst than the 2008 recession.USA has witnessed depression ,more drastic than depression of 1929-30.The petroleum industry of USA is in turmoil. Many countries across the globe failed to mitigate to contain COVID-19.The masses have been seen coming on roads to end lock-down in USA and other countries as the people are reluctant to die of hunger while staying at home. The state of New York ,USA being epic-center of this pandemic in USA has been partially locked. The Governor of this state has been asking to nationalize the health care system and demanding complete lock-down. Italy ,Spain and UK already nationalized their health care system and are investing on people to stay at home.15 big powers of the world chalked out stimulus package of 8-9 Trillion to fight Corona.

China remained successful in fighting this lethal virus due to it's adequate planning and strict precautionary measures. More than 56 million people were locked in one week by Central government of China. Around 400,000 doctors were mobilized towards Wuhan. One doctor was deployed in every building to carry out primarily tests for Corona and have the results received within the span of 45 minutes. In Wuhan 5 star hotels were morphed into quarantine centers because state has already got shares in hotels therefore it took over hotels completely. Positive cases were sent to these centers where people were treated in a soothing environment. Whole of the province was washed and cases plummet to zero. WHO commended China ,a team of WHO with it's members from 25 countries published a report asserting ,China marked history in fighting corona due to its pragmatic policies and perfect health care system.

USA -the super power has to face 40,000 deaths while China only 4000 being the origin of this virus. It is pertinent to question here how has China made such a remarkable difference. This is due to Socio-political and economic system of China. Currently China is in recovery mode with growth rate of 3% plus while world economy is going negative. Balance of Power is shifting towards China. Corona has shown door to Neo-liberalism where privatization ,liberalization expands. Cold war between USA and China will soon soar. China and Russia will join hands in future and world will once again move from Uni-polar to Bipolar politics.

Corona has drastically affected Pakistan because of crippled economy and indecisiveness to lock-down the country. Sindh government took the lead ,Federal and other provinces followed the suit. Moreover lock-down has become futile over a period of time due to religious pressure groups and congregations. Therefore the government is now planning to end lock-down. One of the reasons to end lock-down is high poverty rate throughout the country. Small businesses are stopped ,services sector is halted due to lock-down. The government with limited resources is left with no option as it cannot feed people at door step like other developed countries of the world. Unfortunately WHO has warned Pakistan to mend it's policies to fight corona else it will have serious consequences.

This pandemic has transformed the world into open jail and hell. It is really hard on developing countries which seek help every now and then from global financial institutions like World Bank and IMF. The under developed countries are unable to survive in this apocalypse and impatiently waiting for some divine intervention.


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