"Corona Vs Pakistan"

"Corona Vs Pakistan"

Corona is something serious having drastic perils.Unfortunately it is condoned so far.Developed countries like Germany has shut borders.Italy is striving hard to pull it from quagmire.USA has no better fate.China locked down whole Wuhan when it was spreading.Death toll in Iran crossed 1000.

Where does a developing country like Pakistan stand which has to receive aid from World Bank and ADB an amount of $588m to fight Corona ?Sindh government has been doing best ,then comes Balochistan but Punjab/Federal failed to manifest readiness and Preparedness as it ought to because deaths just started.People are roaming around.Sacred Makkah and Shrine of Iran are closed but Mosques in Pakistan are open.Tablig gatherings are still held.Isnot this a crisis why no lock down? 

Evidently there is a lapse while providing required equipment to doctors to pacify this pandemic.They are our saviors-the frontline.If they survive then they can give adequate treatment.They must be provided things in line with doctors of China.China has already provided Pakistan medical kits,masks and necessary articles.Propaganda against doctors of Pakistan will never bear fruit but aggravate the situation further.

Collective response is a dire need of hour.Petty politics,greed on behalf of some could be catastrophic.On individual level we can excercise Social-distancing ,wash our hands for 20 seconds with soap,usage of hand sanitizers,having masks when we go out in crowd.This is all one could do.May God protect everyone from this virus.Ameen.


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