"Isnot Consent of Women Necessary"

Woman is the bed rock of a family system.She makes inextricable bonds through her love,devotion and courage, culminated in an institution called family.She renders her services in chores and running errands under the garb of housewife and adds her share to domestic financial structure as working woman.Ostensibly today's woman isn't oblivious of the affairs inside house and the world outside being completely antithetical to women of agricultural and pastoral society.Hence her say has become phenomenal to meet the modern challenges of life.

With the advent of technology and formation of novel institutions ,she became adaptive and agile to address the challenges of contemporary era rather she has an imperative role to build an egalitarian society.She stands high on pedestal against patriarchy.Her notions cant be waned as she is now a bolstered entity.She is well aware of her rights and responsibilities.Therefore her consent is pivotal in epochal decisions of a family ,office,firm,system or an organization.

Her active participation in politics,education adventure and sports paved way the need of her "say" in every walk of life. Henry Clinton of USA a candidate for presidential election ,Hasina Wajid of Bangladesh a PM, Sanna Marin of Finland being youngest lady PM ,Jacinda of New Zealand,Fatima Jinnah,Benazir Bhutto and Malala are enough proof to smash the narrative women are any less.Samina Baig of Gilgit-Baltistan became the first woman climber from Pakistan to summit world highest peaks.Anita Karim of GB even won medals in MMA rings for Pakistan.Women participate in every sports.She is entity of a progressive society.How come they are run roughshod?

The outdated practices and dogmas provide no room to spark a disclosure on violence against her will at home and in society.There have been agitations against right to vote ,wage gap patriarchy of society But "Marital-Rape" at home is not surfaced.It is the domestic violence of structural form our women are unware of.It is also considered a sensitive issue so often condoned rather it is concealed behind the facade of "Nikkah" the legal contract between two parties i.e husband and wife to get into marriage.Unfortunately nikkah doesnot qualify a woman to be submissive round the clock besides mood swings due to dysmenorrhea ,sickness or tiresome.Husband needs to understand the weaknesses and sufferings her body is prone to.Woman is no more tool and commodity to pacify and satiate physical desires rather institution for upcoming generations.


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