"The Colonel's wife"

Social and electronic media is inundated with a video in which a lady ; self-proclaimed wife of a Colonel is ostensibly outrageous on police at Hazara Motorway police check point.She is lambasting the police officer on duty to let her car pass the obstacles while in flaunting her husband's ranks.This incident sparked a raucous debate culminated in sheer criticism against whole institution of Army.

The mundane apprehended and discerned the attitude of lady as superiority complex and mindset of elite that has entrenched in our society.The very mindset is contemptous towards down trodden and lower tier of our society.

There is a school of thought which calls this incident a conspiracy cooked to malign the stature of Army.In accordance with this school she is lawyer by profession and wife of an advocate Farooq based in Abottabad.

It is pertinent to ask whether this is the first incident where influential people either from Parliament ,Civil-Military bureaucracy or from Feudal and upper upper class of society violate law and flaunt about their authority and position to pass through the barricades unchecked? Though it happens more often yet it doesn't qualify someone to abuse and badmouth the institutions these people belong to.They have never been trained for petty and trivial.

For this very case both the Colonel and her self-claiming wife should be held accountable,mere investigatory committees and FIRs willnot work.Adequate policy and strategy should be chalked out (if not done before) to penalize those who are involved in such commission or ommission.

Army as an institution had has produced legends,who have laid their lives for Pakistan.One shouldn't forget the sacrifices of those, defending borders and various fronts within the country but that doesn't absolve other veterans of same institution to take laws in hand and act as Carta blanche which will eventually evoke hatred,injustice and discrimination in masses.

One must extend gratitude to the police officer who stopped her as per law.Hope he will not face the music for showing courage ,dedication and commitment to his job.


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