Evolution of Democracy in Pakistan

Introduction The term democracy is originated from two Greek words - Demos and Kratos-. Demos means People and Kratos means Rule. Therefore democracy is the “Rule of People”. It is a primitive concept of consensus, when people would gather in a group and select one of the representatives of the clan to voice whole group or society. Aryan-Panchiat system also manifested this mechanism. Democracy was also exercised through citizen’s assemblies in Greek City States. Interestingly Greek Philosopher disdained democracy as Aristotle said, "this is a Mobocracy -rule of the crowd- instead of democracy". Abraham Lincoln anticipated democracy as the government of the People, by the People and for the People. In other words democracy is the people centered government that is responsive and could be held accountable. Legacy of Polarized Democracy in Pakistan British introduced Colonialism in India via direct and indirect rule. It was made possible with the help of Political Parties, Trad...