US-China New Cold War

Background of Cold War:

The term Cold War was first coined by renowned English author and novelist George Orwell  in 1945 in his essays ,later American media followed the suit. Cold-War has been the conflict of interest ,the rift and ideological difference of Capitalism and Communism ,the mutual distrust and misconception, nuclear arm race and technological advancement of two super powers , started at the end of World War II (1947-1991).

US President Truman presented a doctrine in March 1947 before Congress to contain geo-political and geo-strategic influence and expansion of Communist China. The peril of expansion was initially anticipated during July ,1948 in Greece and Turkey where communist political activities were strengthened to overthrow existing system.

 US started giving military aids and USAID programs in order to sabotage the political struggle of communists in mentioned countries. Not only in these countries but US commenced to thwart the spread of communism throughout the globe like Latin America, Vietnam ,Korea, Afghanistan using force, intelligence, proxy war ,military coup and oppression.

 The US belligerent diplomacy ended with the collapse of USSR in 1990 which was made possible by Pakistan via religious parties of Pakistan and recruiting Taliban. Francis Fukuyama's thesis "The End of the history" was later promulgated in which he claimed "The ideological conflict is ended and West remained victorious therefore western liberal model of democracy should prevail throughout the world".

New Cold War:

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in May ,2020 said, "Washington has a political virus" and accused US Politicians of pushing the world towards a new cold war. Since then social and electronic media created  hype of a regular new Cold War between US and China that is evidently wrong because it has already been there under cloak even before.

The modern model envisaged China after Cold War (1945-1991)as per writings of US think tanks is that, US want to see China as a symbolic growing and manufacturing capitalist economy, giving up socialism, Marxism and communism and gradually heading towards western liberal model of democracy. It should not have military, nuclear potential and technological empowerment to challenge US. Take instance of US response on Belt and Road initiative of China in 2013.The restriction of US on Chinese cellular company Huawei and it's products ,the way the CFO and deputy CEO of Huawei was detained in Canada.

The contemporary war between the two giants doesn't involve proxy states but they confront each other in the realm of trade. It is the trade war where China's exportability could be contained. The production facilities from China could be pulled out.

 Politics of South China Sea

The influence of China and it's military containment  in South China Sea is yet another paradigm and element of New Cold war because the entry points of commercial centers and manufacturing areas lies on South China Sea like Hong Kong . South China Sea also borders with Philippines ,Brunei, Cambodia ,Vietnam and Thailand which are imperative to China for trade.

Sea is also important for China due to it's strategic security.US want to evoke anti-China movements in all said countries to isolate China because Americans know the benefit of controlling sea by following the legacy of Monroe Doctrine.

Monroe Doctrine

In 1823 US President James Monroe issued his Monroe Doctrine in which he warned European powers principally Imperial Spain and France to wash hands off of western hemisphere. US would not tolerate political interference from European states in North and South America and in response US would not intervene in Intra-politics of Germany ,France and Spain.

This doctrine was covertly called Canning doctrine ,named after British Foreign Secretary George Canning  ,it was drafted by British and through British naval power this doctrine was implemented on Southern hemisphere of America. Consequently Britain and US got the strategic space to dominate in Southern Hemisphere. In this way US dominated the continent and emerged as a major regional Power in American continent.

India's role in New Cold war

India and Australia signed various military and logistic agreements most recently on 4 June ,2020 amid China-India tensions that is yet another threat to China in South China Sea. India is the only power in the region that can contain China but there is a strategic split in India either to announce complete allegiance with US or remain silent and neutral.

One perception prevails as ,India should overtly align itself with America. By this ,defense technology can be achieved ,scientific technology ,production facilities of Samsung ,  I Phone will move to India from China. Membership in G7,G8,UNSC can be attained if India opts posture of confrontation with China. Another school is not in favor of being proxy or ally which will eventually obfuscate it's identity ,Civilization ,Culture and history.


One cannot anticipate the extent to which India will play its's role in Cold war but Pakistan needs not to be oblivious of the situation considering the political dynamics and repercussions. Pakistan should not put all eggs in one basket ,it has to has a smart strategic foreign policy to counter enemies at all fronts..



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