Religious and Social Stratification in Gilgit-Baltistan's Politics

Social Stratification is the socio-economic layering of people in a society according to wealth ,power and prestige.The system through which a society bifurcates masses into various categories in comparison with other group or individuals in a society.Class and caste system ,slavery and estates are the offshoots of social stratification.

The political spectrum of Gilgit-Baltistan mimics other four provinces of Pakistan in one way or other.Fuedal lords ,elitists and industrialists have legacy of holding key roles in politics to quench the thirst of power and authority.Likewise the elite of Gilgit-Baltistan has been witnessed while playing cards in power corridors to decide the fate of down trodden and poor.

Why we always elect the rich to represent the poor ? The popular opinion is poor lack resources and capital to garner votes.If someone pops up from lower or middle class to voice the voiceless, he is compelled to withdraw.This divide erodes the system from inside out.The poor and working class is the main victim of the rotten policy making and governance on behalf of the elite and echelons.Hence the poor is deprived of the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution.

The political elite is ethically and morally corrupt to the level that they join marriage and burial ceremonies to pull votes.When someone passes away in a lower caste or class.No one bats an eye but the demise in elite class evokes rather multiplies all the possible moral values of political figures to throng into the site.

The castes in Gilgit-Baltistan i.e Sheen ,Yashkun,Dom and Kamin also come into play during elections.The chest thumping ego of Sheen and Yashkun always resort at confrontation on Election Day and Election compaign.Dom and Kamin community replicate the same lines.Therefore the will of the people is dociled and democratic norms on which Assembly should stand gradually atomize.

Though Slavery is now an old chapter yet Mental Slavery is another dilemma which filled the vacuum.Most of the people vote without a second thought.They dont even think of the competence and credibility of the person who is going to represent them in Assembly.At times people are paid to vote or offered some jobs or contracts in services sector.Consequently they extend their sole allegiance to corrupt.

Religious and sectarian divide plays a pivotal role in GB politics.The populace in Gilgit-Baltistan mostly follow the clergy on religious and political patterns.Clergy is considered one of the power houses to elect the desired candidate and people follow the suit.It is an unhealthy and unfortunate practice in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Social stratification in entrenched in political canvas in Gilgit-Baltistan.It is cronic to democratic institutions and bulwark behind.Therefore we need to snub it and revisit before voting on election day keeping a simple one liner in mind " Are we voting a person better than us in intellect ,thought ,rationale and political exposure".I am going to use this formula please think about yours.



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