Homage to Late Justice Retired Syed Jaffar Shah

The demise of Justice Retired Syed Jaffar Shah is going to change the political dynamics of Gilgit-Baltistan because the veteran politician was among one of the most influential and enlightened figures of the region.He remained President of two mainstream political parties PPP and PTI respectively.The legacy of his politics is paramount to take a bird eye view of social and political paradigms of Gilgit-Baltistan.

The nation couldn't forget his services he rendered to the disputed chunk of northern Pakistan.The foremost was the empowerment Ordinance 2009 of Gilgit-Baltistan he drafted, which served as a gleam of light in pitch darkness of backwater ,the cosmetic measures were later replicated in Order 2018 with few more provisions.

It is pertinent to discuss about the vacuum and void he created not only in his party PTI but in political canvas of Gilgit-Baltistan.The lack of second row leadership has always been one of the hurdles to strengthen democratic forces in Pakistan.Likewise PTI Gilgit-Baltistan couldnt be envisaged to stand as before the way Shah organized the team players and cabinet.His demise is a sudden blow to the party especially his constituency GBLA-03 ; one of the thickly populated area with comparitively higher literacy rate.

The legal fraternity of the region used to seek his refuge when it came across legal short comings and glitches.At times complex cases be that judicial,criminal and corporate were often reviewed by him for second opinion.

He was vocal enough to be heard in power corridors.He was known for his boldness.The youth of Gilgit-Baltistan had has been intrigued by his political ideology therefore he was always invited to seminars,conferences and debates in universities to provide constitutional and legal awareness of the area.

He was close to my Uncle Late Justice retired Shehbaz Khan rather he was his crony.They both share left-wing political ideology.His eldest son Syed Zaigham Abbas a brilliant Electrical Engineer and intellectual is one of my closest freinds.

Consequently his departure for eternal abode left all of us saddened and grieved.May he be elevated to higher ranks in Jannah Ameen.


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