Afghanistan Crisis


The war stricken Afghanistan remained in crisis because it's land has been used as a battlefield by big powers and their proxies for vested interests.No one thought of Afghan people beyond politics.

The festering wound and worsening situation in Afghanistan demands magnanimity with the Afghan people.Hundreds of thousands of people from peripheries thronged into Kabul. 

Women are not allowed to work in offices,young girls are sent back to home from colleges and universities.People are stuck at airport.Afghan Youth has been seen trying to board US Airforce Plane as they want to flee Afghanistan for better future and opportunities.

No one can anticipate the future as people are going through uncertainity and chaos.Atleast we should feel the ordeal people of Afghanistan are going through. It is the most difficult time under Taliban's rage.Prayers for the people of Afghanistan. 

Flabbergasted to see some people in Pakistan among proponents of Taliban even after APS attack Peshawar and dozens of suicide attacks by Taliban across the country.The misery is the same people were changing Profile pictures and cover photos on 16 December in solidarity with martyrs of APS.Now they are celebrating Taliban's victory.

Take a stand and get a grip over it.Either support Taliban openly or condemn their tyranny and oppression.Need to stop this hypocrisy and appeasement.

Remember this picture social media has always been flooded with on 16 December every year.Hence revisit your transition from Bad to Good then Suljha Taliban.


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