Muharram Procession and Road Blockades


Some pals raise a few eye brows on road blockades during Muharram.Let me disect it in few dimensions.

Jalose routes are permitted and scheduled by Administration one or two days before processions and we follow the designated routes.If traffic is not properly managed it is failure on behalf of traffic police and concerned echelons.

Muharram proccessions are staged throughout the world.In western countries traffic and route planning are good enough to divert the traffic smoothly.Therefore we see people on protests right infront of White House America.

When we have a visit of Sir Agha Khan in Hunza or PM Pakistan in GB ,their protocol and prerogative is always followed ,routes are priorly decided to avoid congestion but traffic jams are obvious due to poor town planning and traffic strategies.

We used to see protests every next day on roads in Pakistan and across the globe against discrimination ,prejudice,price hikes,inflation  and human rights violation.We had a sit-in of 120 days in red zone by Imran Khan exercising his democratic right.The right to assembly and association as enshrined in constitution-Article 16.

It is pertinent to ask why cant we have Muharram processions taking those as protests against Yazeed ? Muharram is the agitation against self-proclamined and hypocrite muslims who beheaded grandson of Hazrat Muhammad saw for power and authority.Now it is your call to take either side or keep silent.


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