
"Corona and it's Global Implications"

Corona virus is spherical in shape with a crown or corona. This virus reproduce like other viruses once it finds host. It is also called Corona Virus Infectious Disease 19 (COVID-19).It is the sixth novel virus existed in the world. Other five viruses of the same family includes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-COV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-COV).It is zoonotic i.e an infection or disease that is easily transmissible from animals to humans under natural settings. It is identified for the first time on 31 December,2019 in Wuhan ,the capital of China's Huabei province and spread ed like wildfire globally as a pandemic ,2.8 million cases have been reported in 185 countries causing 201,000 deaths worldwide so far. The unprecedented pandemic  has caused uncharted and evolving crisis ,hit world economy worst than the 2008 recession.USA has witnessed depression ,more drastic than depression of 1929-30.The petroleum industry of USA is in turmoil. Many countries ac

The Demise of Wajahat Hassan Khan

Colonel Retired Khan Wajahat breathed his last in Rawalpindi this morning. He was the son of Mirza Hassan Khan; the freedom fighter and iconic figure of Gilgit-Baltistan. Late Col Wajahat after his father followed his father's legacy and took part in politics to pull out the people of Gilgit- Baltistan from socio-political and constitutional quagmire. He along with his cronies Late Maj Hussain Shah and others formed a political party to address the grievances of Gilgit-Baltistan and both of them faced the music for their struggle. Late Col retired Wajahat voiced Gilgit-Baltistan's constitutional orphanage on various international forums while in exile for his socio-political activism. He had been politically victimized till his last breath. The people of Gilgit-Baltistan shouldn't forget the sacrifices he and his family gave to Gilgit-Baltistan. How ill-fated we humans are; in the end some messages and voice notes are the only memories we are left with. Goodbye Veteran, yo

Our Preferences behind the facade of Objectivity

  Our Preferences behind the facade of Objectivity  When progressives,socialists and left-wing political parties were critical of undemocratic forces for their intervention in Politics, the proponents of PTI painted it anti-state. When there was a raucous debate about the extension of COAS in the country. The supporters of PTI obfuscated the whole scenario saying "mulk kay azeem tar mafad mein extension deni chahae "  When people would voice the forced , unlawful Balouch disappearances and demanded their judicial trial.PTI friends would assume " begair reason kay nahi uthatay "  When folks would stand for freedom of press and media, lambasting the abduction of journalists like Mati ul Jan. The tigers of PTI observed grave silence.  When socialists throughout the country raised slogans  to bolster student unions and demanded freedom.PTI friends would mock at them saying" kis say azaadi chahae "And then PTI popped up with Azaadi March"  When PTI marches

Why did i become a nurse and why did i become a nurse entrepreneur?

Why did I become a nurse and Why did I become a nurse entrepreneur? Introduction Since childhood, I had the desire to serve humanity in a tense and vulnerable situation; when a few people show the courage to give a helping hand. This desire gradually got strength when I pay visits to hospitals where I would see patients lying on the beds, crying out in pain. Also, Clara Barton and Mother Theresa are the two influential nurses who provided me with the impetus to join nursing. They spent their lives helping people in times of hardship, crisis, and destruction. Therefore I chose to be a nurse to help patients who are passing through the dark phase of their lives. I believe, nursing is one of the most respectable and trusted fields. This field plays a pivotal role to improve and revamping the healthcare system. I was intrigued by nursing due to its scope and demand. Though this field is challenging as one has to come across stressful situations i.e in case of emergency yet

Reasons behind the fiasco of PTI Government

When Imran Khan was sworn in as PM, everyone celebrated and expected that he would be different from other corrupt politicians. People started taking interest in politics because they saw hope. They used to follow his news and watch his interviews.   The nation was convinced that he would perform and transform our institutions. But, unfortunately, he went along the same old lines the political elites of Pakistan have been adopting. The same dogmas and rotten practices our politicians have in their buckets were readily used by Imran Khan and his PTI government. Perhaps the rationale behind the failure of Imran’s government cannot be merely a foreign conspiracy. It is more about his incompetence, as he was unable to deliver on the promises he made to the nation while speaking from that “Container”. 1-Imran Khan failed to draft an economic policy after resuming office. He asked IMF many times for financial aid despite being critical of IMF policies and despite making promises of shunning

Justice for Adiba

Bride Adiba was strangled to death by in-laws in Shimshal,Gilgit-Baltistan.The body was left on river-bank.Though FIR was registered ,murderers were apprehended yet they were released on bail.This exposes our rotten justice system.Hence the threat posed to lives of women by domestic violence can't be condoned.  How could in-laws kill the newly wed bride ,wrapped the body in the blanket ,left in open and painted it as suicide. This case should thoroughly be looked into.Shame on those men and women who are involved in her murder.  Daughters are wed with a dream that they will live happily and become torch bearers of up coming generation being the first and primary institution BUT who knows that they will be choked to death like #Adiba by in-laws.  Raise your voice against domestic violence before it's too late. No one deserves to be killed this way.This is murder in cold blood.

Afghanistan Crisis

  The war stricken Afghanistan remained in crisis because it's land has been used as a battlefield by big powers and their proxies for vested interests.No one thought of Afghan people beyond politics. The festering wound and worsening situation in Afghanistan demands magnanimity with the Afghan people.Hundreds of thousands of people from peripheries thronged into Kabul.  Women are not allowed to work in offices,young girls are sent back to home from colleges and universities.People are stuck at airport.Afghan Youth has been seen trying to board US Airforce Plane as they want to flee Afghanistan for better future and opportunities. No one can anticipate the future as people are going through uncertainity and chaos.Atleast we should feel the ordeal people of Afghanistan are going through. It is the most difficult time under Taliban's rage.Prayers for the people of Afghanistan.  Flabbergasted to see some people in Pakistan among proponents of Taliban even after APS attack Peshawar

Muharram Procession and Road Blockades

  Some pals raise a few eye brows on road blockades during Muharram.Let me disect it in few dimensions. Jalose routes are permitted and scheduled by Administration one or two days before processions and we follow the designated routes.If traffic is not properly managed it is failure on behalf of traffic police and concerned echelons. Muharram proccessions are staged throughout the world.In western countries traffic and route planning are good enough to divert the traffic smoothly.Therefore we see people on protests right infront of White House America. When we have a visit of Sir Agha Khan in Hunza or PM Pakistan in GB ,their protocol and prerogative is always followed ,routes are priorly decided to avoid congestion but traffic jams are obvious due to poor town planning and traffic strategies. We used to see protests every next day on roads in Pakistan and across the globe against discrimination ,prejudice,price hikes,inflation  and human rights violation.We had a sit-in of 120 days in

Who is holding the spectre of Taliban in Gilgit-Baltistan?

  US withdrew from Afghanistan in dark in accordance with it's foreign policy to exit 20 years of war, which it started to avenge 9/11 attack.The americans deliberately left heavy ammunition and weaponry behind to further aggravate the situation. As of now the fate of Aghanis is in the hands of war-lords and various Taliban factions.The recent developments suggest Afghanistan is advancing towards Civil war because most of the areas have been controlled by Talibans.Moreover Talibans are also striving hard to create unrest near Tajikistan's border along durand line. It may be anticipated that the northern part of Pakistan i.e Gilgit-Baltistan could also suffer from the ongoing outrage because one of cults of Taliban released a video of an open Kachery held in Babusar area.The spokesperson floated few of the concerns. The commander while reading a script also discussed about a deal finalised with echelons and political leadership of Gilgit-Baltistan in 2019 that means someone a

The Glacier Marriage

The grafting of two glaciers to create new glaciers in order to utilize water for irrigation and in some cases to give impetus to hydro power on micro level ; a myth that remained the cultural heritage of the indigenous people of north.It is considered one of the popular natural phenomena in Gilgit-Baltistan.  The folklore explains that there is a male glacier called "Bero Gamuk" and a female glacier known as "Shochi Gamuk".Male glaciers are grey in colour, possesses debris, while female glaciers are transparent or bluish in color.The male glacier spills little water and moves slowly, while a female glacier is a growing glacier that gives off a lot of water.  The grafting process requires a piece each of a ‘male’ and ‘female’ glacier weighing approximately 45kg. Villagers pack these pieces in barley hay to make them warmer and carry them in a basket locally called "Karai".Then they transport it to the designated place and cover them with the mixture of mud

Travel Guide to Gilgit-Baltistan

Gilgit-Baltistan:the heaven on earth in the lap of three mountain ranges ,the Hindukush ,the Karakorum and the Himalayas is yet to be explored by tourists across the globe. It has three divisions i.e Gilgit division ,Baltistan division and Diamer division with further bifurcation into 10 districts. Almost every district of Gilgit-Baltistan conceals breath taking landscapes and lush green pastures. Difficult terrain ,lofty and icy mountains ,mighty glaciers ,cascading streams,serenity and lakes makes this chunk one of the beautiful and worth visiting places of northern Pakistan.Lets give a bird eye to some of them. The foremost is district Astore that has lakes,dancing waterfalls and trekking areas.This district is the door to Deosai National Park or Deosai Plains at the height of 12000 feet above the sea level.The park is made to protect wildlife especially endangered specie Brown Bear. The park borders district Astore-Diamer division and Skardu-Baltistan division.The tourist can get