"Corona and it's Global Implications"
Corona virus is spherical in shape with a crown or corona. This virus reproduce like other viruses once it finds host. It is also called Corona Virus Infectious Disease 19 (COVID-19).It is the sixth novel virus existed in the world. Other five viruses of the same family includes Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-COV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-COV).It is zoonotic i.e an infection or disease that is easily transmissible from animals to humans under natural settings. It is identified for the first time on 31 December,2019 in Wuhan ,the capital of China's Huabei province and spread ed like wildfire globally as a pandemic ,2.8 million cases have been reported in 185 countries causing 201,000 deaths worldwide so far. The unprecedented pandemic has caused uncharted and evolving crisis ,hit world economy worst than the 2008 recession.USA has witnessed depression ,more drastic than depression of 1929-30.The petroleum industry of USA is in turmoil. Many countries ac